Potters wheel, basics

This course will allow you to progress at the technique of throwing on the potters wheel

This course is for people who would like to learn the technique of throwing on the pottery wheel. This ancestral know-how is unique in forming a malleable material. As fascinating as it is difficult, this practice requires valuable and often overlooked basic knowledge. Each participant has a personal wheel during the course. To practice alone afterwards, the PangoLundi format is recommended.

Target audience: beginners and advanced
Trainer: Clementine Roubaty
Location: Pottery of Ependes, Route du Petit-Ependes 3, 1731 Ependes-Fribourg
Timetable: 8.45 a.m. – 2.45 p.m.
according to the bus timetable from/to Friborg
Duration: 6 hours (including a break, take a picnic)
Equipment: Personal apron
Participants: 4 to 8 people
Choice of dates:
9th of December (complete – waiting list)

20th of January
10th of February
16th of Mars
13th of April
11th of May
8th of June

Possibilitiy to choose another date if a group is already formed

Cost: 150.-
Material and firings: according to current price per kilo