Reuse and recycling
In the centre of the village of Épendes, the Potsfink pottery has taken over the premises of a former cheese dairy. The imposing cellar is being put to ideal use, while a recent extension (Le Pangolin) subtly enhances the protected building of the former cheese dairy and opens up the workshop to the fields. The 6,000 tiles in its shell were made on site by the potter and their size is adapted to the proportions of the building.
Launched in 1991 by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union, the Cultural Heritage Days offer everyone the chance to discover cultural assets and buildings that are often inaccessible to the public, under the guidance of specialists, over a weekend in September.
They have been organised in Switzerland since 1995 and are coordinated by the National Information Centre for the Conservation of Cultural Property (Nationale Informationsstelle für Kulturgüter-Erhaltung NIKE). Since 2001, the Heritage Departments of the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland have joined forces to organise and promote this event, which focuses on a specific theme each year.
When. Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 September, from 10am to 5pm
Where. Épendes, Poterie d’Ependes – Potsfink, Route du Petit-Épendes 3
What. Guided tours, by ceramist Peter Fink (mornings) or the architect of the extension André Jeker (afternoons); explanations on the shaping and design of small and medium-sized ceramic pieces; explanatory panels on the history of the building (in French).
TPF line 233, Ependes Village stop, then 5 minutes on foot
Car park near the village square (Au Village 10, near the castle)
Workshop shop open
Further information from 25 August at